Monday, June 4, 2018

OLSAT and the GATE Screening Process

IUSD conducts an annual Multiple Criteria Measure screening process for all students in 3rd through 7th grades to identify students for placement in the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Cluster Program. As a part of the screening process, IUSD offers families an optional and fee-based OLSAT assessment. When administered by IUSD, it will be considered as one screening measure. For the 2018-2019 school year, the OLSAT  will be administered in August 2018. Please visit this link for further information.

*Please note: Students that qualify for GATE in the 2017-18 GATE screening process will be notified via email next week June 12-15, 2018.


  1. Did this happened? Today is the last day?

    *Please note: Students that qualify for GATE in the 2017-18 GATE screening process will be notified via email next week June 12-15, 2018.

  2. my daughter become a 3rd grader this summer, should we register the OLSAT in august for her? Is OLSAT will available in spring again?

  3. Hi, my son passed his 1st OLSAT yesterday. Will we be able to get this score? Or this is only for the school district?


APAAS Program

Dear Parents, As a reminder, the application for IUSD's APAAS Program closes on March 31, 2020. Further information on APAAS can be fo...