Wednesday, October 17, 2018

GATE Parent Meeting and Book Club October October 16, 2018

Thank you to all that were able to participate in this week’s meeting. If you were unable to be in attendance here are links to the two handouts:
And, the video we watched can be found here.

Also, one of you shared a video with me and it did not come through! Can you please resend the link??? Thanks!

See you at our next meeting on December 14, 2018. Our informational topic will be the APAAS Program and Application Process.

And, please read Part I: Failure, A Most Valuable Parenting tool prior to this meet.

Monday, October 15, 2018

APAAS Advanced Learner Program Option

APAAS Advanced Learner Program Option

October 15, 2018
Dear Parent,
The Irvine Unified School District offers students in 4th through 6th grades an Alternative Program for Academically Advanced Students commonly referred to as APAAS. This upper elementary school program is designed to meet the needs of a unique population of highly intellectual learners who consistently prefer novel learning pathways. Students successful in the program are individuals who enjoy challenges, are perseverant in their interests, and are motivated by complex, open-ended options. The program is designed for students who independently handle high-level assignments, have a strong foundation in math and reading, and can express ideas in writing. A student does not need to be GATE-identified to participate in APAAS.

APAAS Program students are taught in a self-contained classroom and are provided with opportunities to make choices about how to personally engage with and demonstrate their understanding of the core content. Curriculum and instruction spring-board from the grade-level content and are designed for students to learn grade level standards in greater depth and with advanced perspectives. Learning focuses on creative and unique application of the core content. Program instruction does not include acceleration into subsequent grade level content standards.

To be considered for APAAS participation, families who reside within the IUSD attendance boundaries may submit an application for their student. The APAAS 2019-2020 school year application will be open November 29, 2018 through January 11, 2019 and can be found on our website at . The Criteria considered in the application process include ability, achievement, creativity and learner characteristics components. APAAS application criteria are compiled and compared. Program placement is offered to the highest scoring students in order of score until all classes are filled. This placement process is conducted annually in May and students begin participating in the program in 4th grade at one of six school sites: Brywood, Deerfield, Eastshore, Santiago Hills, Turtle Rock, and Westpark (the year-round option). The program is designed as a 3-year option; therefore, there are limited spaces for 5th and 6th grade students.

If you are interested in learning more about APAAS, please attend the annual Parent Night for detailed information. This informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 28, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm at University High School's Theater, 4771 Campus Drive, Irvine, CA 92612. This meeting’s presentation and the program application will be available on our website beginning November 29, 2018 at .

Kara Rydman
Coordinator, Gifted Programs and Advanced Learners

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

GATE parent meeting schedule

The first GATE parent meeting of 2018-19 will be held next week. These meetings are intended to promote open communication between district administrators, school staff, and parents. Each year our GATE parent meetings host a parent book club open to all interested community members. GATE Site Representatives are encouraged to attend each meeting. Book Club discussions will be held during the first hour of the meeting and the last 30 minutes will be reserved for general parent site representative business and discussion. Our Book Club 2018 Selection is The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey.

This year's schedule
Tuesday, October 16
Book Introduction,  Overview of IUSD GATE Screening and Service Program

Tuesday, December 4
Book Part I Discussion, Overview of APAAS Program and Application Process

Tuesday, February 12
Book Part II Discussion, Meet the CAC-GATE Board

Wednesday, May 1
Book Part III Discussion, Moving to Middle School

Book club discussion questions will be sent out one week prior to each meting. Each meeting will be held  at IUSD’s Learning Center from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (3387 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92606). These meetings are intended for adult attendance only. Childcare will not be available. 

Looking forward to seeing each of you,
Kara Rydman

APAAS Program

Dear Parents, As a reminder, the application for IUSD's APAAS Program closes on March 31, 2020. Further information on APAAS can be fo...